
Insignia® is a computer-based orthodontic treatment system.

Using the company’s Advanced Smile Design software program, you and Pedro can visualise what your new smile will look like at the end of your treatment plan.

The system also uses computer-aided design methods to ensure you have the perfect bite at the end of your treatment. Through Insignia®, Pedro can order a set of custom braces tailor-made for you and the results you want to achieve.

The braces feature small, clear brackets for optimal discretion, perfect for anyone feeling self-conscious about the idea of wearing braces. The company says its bespoke, computerised orthodontic solution can reduce treatment times by up to 37%.

Alternatively, for those who don’t want to wear braces, Insignia® also offers clear, removable aligners.

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meet patro

El Dr. Pedro es un ortodoncista especializado. Su práctica gira en torno a aparatos ortopédicos, aparatos ortopédicos y alineadores invisibles. Tiene mucha experiencia en el uso del sistema Damon y está certificado por Invisalign, Inman aligner y Harmony.

Publicó en revistas internacionales de ortodoncia (REO) y trabaja activamente en nuevas investigaciones. Ha completado cientos de casos y le gusta fotografiar cada caso para documentar las mejoras y la pasión que aporta a la apariencia de los pacientes.